Embarrassed by the Holy Spirit

I often realize that I am embarrassed by the Holy Spirit. I often have a hard time following the Holy Spirit in a Church service or out in public. I often don’t follow His lead because I am afraid of being different, losing control, or who knows what else.

Yes, I am so times embarrassed by the Holy Spirit.

He simply doesn’t act the way our culture says we are to act and I am afraid of being different. I think deep down inside that I know more what is right than Him.

As a pastor sometimes the Holy Spirit flows up in me during my message in order to give a prophecy and instead of shifting gears and giving the prophecy I ignore it hoping it goes away. I find myself at other times afraid of sharing something I am hearing from the Holy Spirit for someone because I am concerned about what they will think.

What do I have a hard time believing that the Holy Spirit only brings good gifts and to not be afraid of what He will do? I know that following Him does not lead to chaos but to life. But still I am slow to follow Him sometimes.

Am I embarrassed by the Holy Spirit? Yes, I have to admit that I am sometimes. I guess I have a hard time trusting Him.

How about you? Is this a struggle that you ever have?


Categories: Holy Spirit

1 comment

  1. Yes! especially when I ASK what to do and the answer is Out of the Box ! And I know just by having asked – I am committed to obeying. There is always just enough of a “risk taker / adventurer” in me to jump in with both feet. In spite of the embarrassment He is trustworthy!

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